Have a word with yourself – mindset matters

I watched a program yesterday and one of the scenes really hit home, the protagonist was faced with a challenging situation and was having very unhelpful and rather funny conversations with herself. I thought to myself…hmm I do that, we all do that, but as it was a comedy, we could hear her thoughts. I’m grateful it isn’t like that in real life, can you imagine what it would be like if we could hear everyones thoughts..a hilarious nightmare!

The conversation within

But I digress, in all honesty the conversations we have with ourselves can literally make or break us. How many times do you have negative thoughts, thinking you’re not good enough for this, that or the third. I’m no different, we all have fears and self-limiting beliefs.  It may come from a lack of confidence or a lack of support or something entirely different.  No matter how these limiting thoughts came about we can and need to give then the boot! Yep they need to hit the road Jack!


Yes, sometimes you have to tell that voice in your head telling you that you can’t do it to shut up, not sure how, listen to Stormzy or watch MR T from the A-Team…if you can find it. The truth is that we tend to have more negative thoughts that positive, which means we have to work harder to keep ourselves motivated.

If you’re a business owner or entrepreneur you can surely relate. When you are starting or running a business you are juggling lots of things at the same time. With so much to do its not uncommon to feel overwhelmed at times, that voice may say ‘what are you doing, you’ve left your job chasing your dreams but you’re an idiot you won’t make it’. Some people listen to this voice and give up, but if you really want to achieve your dreams, (which you can) you’ll have to be prepared for that internal battle which is one of the hardest. I came across this image the other day and I thought it was spot on!



To be successful and to achieve your dreams you constantly and consistently have to be having a word with yourself! That means doing your daily affirmations and reminding yourself of your strengths as well as focusing on what you are grateful for. I heard a motivational speaker say what you focus on expands…where is your focus and do you need to adjust your lens?

Have a great week and get your matrix on..dodge all the rubbish and focus on the good stuff.